On October 9-10, 2018, the Jubilee Committee met once again at our Congregation’s General House in Rome. The task of this Committee is to prepare the celebrations of the 350th anniversary of the inception of the Congregation of Marian Fathers. Confreres from Poland, Brazil, Ukraine, Cameroon, and the United States serve on this Committee.
At the Piarists’ headquarters in Krakow, Saint Stanislaus Papczyński made publically on December 11, 1670, the act of Oblatio, declaring his will to live chastely and zealously serving God until the end of his life in the Society of the Priests of the Immaculate Conception, which he intended to found with the help of God. O ur Congregation recognizes this event as the beginning of its existence as a religious community.
The Jubilee celebrations are spread over four years, starting on December 8, 2019, which is the day of the Congregation’s titular feast. A special letter of the Superior General issued for this occasion will initiate the celebrations. During its session, the Committee discussed a detailed program of festivities and individual events comprised in this Jubilee. Among other things, the program plans for a meeting of young Marians from all over the world, a general convention in Licheń (Poland), scholastic symposia, and the international congress of the Marian laity.
The official program of the celebrations will be published after its approval by the Superior General and his council.