The Holy Rosary is a favorite Marian prayer in the tradition of the Catholic Church. It has a special and privileged place in all Marian devotion since the Middle Ages. Throughout the centuries, countless generations of Christians in the whole world have drawn strength from this prayer. Many popes dedicated the texts of the Encyclicals and Apostolic Letters to it, encouraging people to pray the Holy Rosary, especially in the crucial periods for the history of the Church and in the moments of great threats to the existence of Christian civilization. Theologians developed scientific treatises about this prayer and masters of spirituality and great saints taught how to practically meditate on the mysteries of Christ’s life, in which His Most Holy Mother has such a special share. Countless generations of simple people found in this prayer comfort in the hardships of everyday life and a useful teaching how to imitate Christ in the daily life, following the example of Mary, the first and most perfect Disciple of the Lord.

In Catechism of Catholic Church, we find that: “Mary is the perfect Orans (pray-er), a figure of the Church. When we pray to her, we are adhering with her to the plan of the Father, who sends his Son to save all men. Like the beloved disciple we welcome Jesus’ mother into our homes, for she has become the mother of all the living. We can pray with and to her. The prayer of the Church is sustained by the prayer of Mary and united with it in hope” (CCC 2679).

During her apparitions, the Blessed Mother recalled the importance of the Holy Rosary prayer more than once, encouraging to regularly practice of it. It happened for example with children who had the grace to see the Blessed Mother in Lourdes or Fatima.

October is a special month in which we are invited to pray the Holy Rosary. We gather in our parish churches and chapels, near grottos built in various places, on crossroads or in properties of pious families. This is the time of decorating Marian figures with special traditional dresses, candles and crowns made of fragrant flowers. It is the time to organize traditional processions with precious figures and images to manifest the presence of the Blessed Mother in our lives and our openness to make her the Queen of our hearts.

Today, we also live about crucial changes in the Church and society. Great dangers are menacing existence, peace and prosperity of the World and respective nations. We need a special intercession of the Blessed Mother and her help in order to overcome what opposes respect for the dignity of human life, family, freedom, justice, peace and destroys the image of God and God’s project in man and in the community of faithful.

Last year, Holy Father, Pope Francis invited all believers to pray daily Holy Rosary throughout October to defend and protect the Holy Church. May this year’s Marian October also be an opportunity for all Marian Helpers and our Friends to pray for protection of the Church, giving prayerful support to the Holy Father Francis and for the great works of the Church in the modern World.

Saint Mary, Mother of God, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, grant us the grace to persevere in our prayer and to fulfill the will of God in our lives.

Fr. Mario

To send intentions for October prayers of the Holy Rosary use field : Prayer request (click here)